Meet the Citizens Behind the Badge Advisory Council!

David Berez Image

Our organization is proud and honored to have a group of 20 esteemed law enforcement leaders serving on our Law Enforcement Advisory Council. They provide important guidance in our mission to counter the “defund and defame the police” movement and ensure America’s policing professionals receive the resources they need to keep our communities safe.

We wanted you to meet them and see their impressive profiles. Our first featured member is David Berez , a 20-year veteran of law enforcement and published author who has dedicated his life to building safer communities and serving others. You can find a complete biography for David and each of our other Law Enforcement Advisory Council members on the CBB website:

Stay tuned to meet our other Advisory Council members in the coming days!


"Heroes Live Forever"--the story of Fairfax County (VA) Sheriff's Sgt. Frederick "Butch" Cameron


"Heroes Live Forever"--the story of Saugus (MA) Police Officer Harold Vitale